Moliere's The Imaginary Invalid

adapted by Eugene Ma and Company

Flamboyan Theater,
CSV Cultural Center, NY (2012)
(direction/sound) Eugene Ma   (stage management) Betsy Kuehl   (choreography) Ryan VanDenBoom 
(music direction) Matthew Entwistle   (composers) Eugene Ma and Matthew Entwistle
(scenic) Paul D. Olmer   (lighting) Charlie Babbitt & Betsy Kuehl   (costume) Nina Vartanian

(ensemble) Tia Abercrombie, Jeanell Allen, Zachary Sean Dennis, Herbie Go, Marlena Holman, Taurean LaCharles, chantel cherisse lucier, Thomas McGinn, Alex Milberg & Evan True

In a snappy new production with fresh tunes, Moliere’s the Imaginary Invalid is filled with physical comedy, vulgar humanity, bizarre personalities, big hearts as well as hilarious political commentary on wealth, healthcare and our oft messed-up priorities. Come on, it doesn’t get much more relevant than that: good, cathartic, meaningful theater can also be an uproarious ruckus of a good time!!

Argan is so obsessed by his imaginary ailments, he can no longer control his mess of a household or the mercenary medics he employs. When the doctors try to rip him off, Argan’s dearest family strives to cure the real disease from which he suffers. Oh, and there’s also a classic love story somewhere in this! And people playing dead! Um... and there’s even a live band and production numbers! There’ll be twists and turns, a lot of confusion, and even more laughter!